Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


Nábor do detských folklórnych súborov
školský rok 2024/25
Zaujímavé krúžky a kluby v Multifunkčnom centre
školský rok 2024/25
Deň materských škôl 2024

Preventive lectures – kindergarten Joyfull Zebra (Veselá zebra)

Proper and thorough hygiene of hands is an important part of human health and life protection. It was just hygiene of hands that represented one of the fundamental preventive tools of protection against the virus during the struggle with the pandemic.
Preventive lectures – kindergarten Joyfull Zebra (Veselá zebra)
Preventive lectures - SzepsiAlapiskola – elementary school with Hungarian as an instruction language

Preventive lectures - SzepsiAlapiskola – elementary school with Hungarian as an instruction language

Thorough hygiene of hands represents an efficient prevention of most infectious diseases including COVID-19. Observance of the hygiene of hands by everybody, including small kids, is extremely important.
Youth Parliament of town Moldava nad Bodvou

Youth Parliament of town Moldava nad Bodvou

The first informal meeting of the Youth Parliament of town Moldava nad Bodvou was held on October 24, 2022, attended by the delegates of elementary schools in Moldava nad Bodvou – ČSA and Severná, Štefan Moyses Gymnasium, Agro-technical High School and Elementary School of Arts, as well as volunteers who had expressed the interest in doing something beneficial for themselves and the surroundings.
Kite Session

Kite Session

Autumn, similar to all year seasons, is a wonderful year time. Fantastic colors of leafy trees, changing „clothes“ of the nature and animals preparing to the winter rest, as well as the kites.
World Day of Smile

World Day of Smile

We remind the Day of Smile in October. Smile is a simple symbol, easily remembered by people. It costs nothing but a smiling person is like recharging a battery.
European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

In 2001, the European Council declared September 26 the European Day of Languages, which has been celebrated every year by the schools in the EU member countries in the form of various events.
Jointly for peace: „Build, don't destroy“

Jointly for peace: „Build, don't destroy“

International Day of Peace has been celebrated every year on September 21 in various countries. Support of peace waging in the world and rejection of violence represents the main motto of this day.
Ovocníčkovo (Fruit Village)

Ovocníčkovo (Fruit Village)

Multi-functional center for children and youth in cooperation with civil association BAFF SA and HepyBejby prepared two days full of fruit for children from Százszorszép Óvoda.


city ​​tour - sports activities - selfie run - Micro bit game - kahoot quiz - Lake fest - disco - new friendships - entertainment - unforgettable memories


The Multifunctional Center for Children and Youth in Moldava nad Bodvou in cooperation with HepyBejby and BuBu Mother's Center decided to prepare a SWAP of school supplies and children's clothing even before the beginning of the school year.