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Záverečná konferencia

Pekná maďarská reč – Szép magyar beszéd 2024

Multifunkčné centrum pre deti a mládež v rámci mesta Moldava nad Bodvou poverené Regionálnym úradom školskej správy v Košiciach zorganizovalo dňa 20. februára 2024 v spolupráci s Cirkevnou spojenou školou – Boldog Salkaházi Sára Egyházi Iskolaközpont, okresné kolo súťaže „Pekná maďarská reč – Szép magyar beszéd“.
Pekná maďarská reč – Szép magyar beszéd 2024
Počuli ste už o občianskom združení CESTA VON?

Počuli ste už o občianskom združení CESTA VON?

Poslaním združenia Cesta von je pomáhať ľuďom uviaznutým v chudobe postaviť sa na vlastné nohy, získať prácu a dôstojný život.
Napĺňa ho prostredníctvom programov, kde sa venuje deťom v ranom veku, mladým ľuďom a dospelým.
Jahniatko so zlatými vlasmi - interaktívna ľudová rozprávka

Jahniatko so zlatými vlasmi - interaktívna ľudová rozprávka

Do Základnej školy s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským - Szepsi Alapiskola zavítal dňa 25. januára 2024 rozprávač András Demko, ktorý priniesol žiakom jednu z najkrajších maďarských ľudových rozprávok „Jahniatko so zlatými vlasmi“.
How much love can fit in a shoebox – wrap up

How much love can fit in a shoebox – wrap up

For the sixth time already, the Christmas charity collection for senior citizens "How much love can fit in a shoe box" was launched during the Advent season across Slovakia, the founders of which are Jana Galatová and Sisa Slobodová.
How much love can fit in a shoebox – 5th part

How much love can fit in a shoebox – 5th part

So much love!
Today we visited the village of Poproč, where we also wanted to gift the elderly in two facilities. First, we handed over the boxes of our collection to the Retirement Home in the village, where they were already warmly expecting us, and they were delighted with the beautiful boxes donated out of love.
How much love can fit in a shoebox – 4th part

How much love can fit in a shoebox – 4th part

A charity collection that has become a beautiful tradition at the time of Advent. Beautiful, unforgettable moments in the facility for seniors – Home of St. Elizabeth.
Charity donation – Sock October 2023

Charity donation – Sock October 2023

The charity collection "Sock October 2023" convinced us that the good people in our city and its surroundings are not careless about the fate of people in need, dependent on the help of others, or living on the street.
How much love can fit in a shoebox – 3rd part

How much love can fit in a shoebox – 3rd part

On December 12, 2023, during this beautiful pre-Christmas time, we managed to visit the PATRIA Seniors Facility in Drienovec again after a year. The elderly people were already waiting for us with joyful smiles on their faces.
How much love can fit in a shoebox – 2nd part

How much love can fit in a shoebox – 2nd part

Our beautiful Christmas charity collection was also very successful thanks to great people with good hearts.
How much love can fit in a shoebox – 1st part

How much love can fit in a shoebox – 1st part

As part of this year's charity collection, the children together with the teachers from ČSA 15 Primary school demonstrated their skill and creativity in making Christmas greetings for seniors. Their unique Christmas wishes full of love and kind words will delight the hearts of the elderly in facilities for the seniors.