Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

On February 8th the opening conference of the project "The space connects us" took place

This project is implemented under the Local Development and Inclusion program and is funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, the state budget of the Slovak Republic and the budget of the city of Moldava nad Bodvou. The total cost of the project is € 725,318, of which the amount of the grant is € 616,520.

As part of the program, moderated by Ivana Ballaschová, a student at the Štefan Moyses Gymnasium in Moldava nad Bodvou, all the leading representatives of the project partners introduced themselves. For the city of Moldava nad Bodvou, the mayor of the city JUDr. Ing. Slavomír Borovský, for the city of Medzev Mayor of the city Mgr. Matej Smorada, director of the Religious Joint School Mgr. István Nagy, Mgr. Rudolf Rusňák, youth leader of the civil association BAFF SA. Mgr. Jana Lukácsová provided information on the reconstruction of the former cinema building into a multi-purpose area and the individual activities of the project were introduced by the new director of this center, Mgr. Sylvia Strámová. Dávid Rybár, the specialized leader, informed the audience about the activities of the Community Center in Moldava nad Bodvou.

The end of the conference was enriched by the cultural program of children and youth of Moldovan schools - Primary school ČSA 15, Primary school Severná 21, Szepsi Alapiskola, Boldog Salkaházi Sára Egyházi Iskolaközpont and the dance group Schadirattam from Medzev within the permitted regime, either live or on television.

We thank everyone present for their participation, but also those who joined our conference online via google meet.