Among the events on the occasion of the International Roma Day held in April was a competitive and entertaining morning program led by Mgr. Rudolf Rusňák from BAFF SA o.z., where on April 26th, 2022, 6th graders from three primary schools were present - Primary school Szepsi Alapiskola with vjm, Boldog Salkaházi Sára Egyházi Iskolaközpont and Primary school Grundschule Medzev.
Together, they tested their knowledge in the form of a quiz, and in addition, they had fun in various group games, and last but not least, they made new friends with their contemporaries. At the end of the event, all participants were rewarded with a diploma and a reward. We are glad that we were able to meet and get to know each other and enrich each other in the diversity of nationalities, languages and cultures.