Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


The family is the primary social group that becomes the child's first social factor after birth. In the family, the child gains ideas about the rules and patterns of behavior in society and integrates them into its system of values. These presented patterns can bear not only positive but also negative features and these will affect the child's behavior and attitudes in other social contacts, both in society and at school.

Primary school education is the basis for the preparation and development of the child's future. However, the school is only one part of the educational unit, the larger part is family education. Therefore, our efforts, in cooperation with the parents of the students, members of the District Directorate of the Košice-okolie Police Force Pavel Czerank and Gabriel Gáll, Primary school with Hungarian as the teaching language and the Community Center, were to jointly solve the problem of truancy and the degree of parental responsibility for the upbringing and education of their children. The lecture took place on April 27th, 2022.