Within the project "The space connects us" - Multifunctional Center in Moldava nad Bodvou, aims to connect children and youth of the minority with the majority in the program area of the Local Development where the focus is put on poverty eradication and inclusion of Roma in order to increase ethnic awareness and confidence of children with Romani mother tongue and help to develop soft skills of students from marginalized Roma communities.
An event was done in cooperation with the city of Moldava nad Bodvou and with the project partner of the city of Medzev on April 19-22, 2022 where 8 of the Roma children and the teaching assistants from 3 Moldava schools and from the Primary school Grundschule Medzev could visit the Department of Romani Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
They took part in faculty teaching in exercises in North Central Romani language, students conversed with the university students and university lecturers in their native language, and they also discussed several grammatical issues of the publication Romáňi čhib (Slovak Romani textbook) under the professional guidance and interpretation of the lecturers.In addition, they had the opportunity to visit the Romea organization (Roma education, grant and media organization), where they got acquainted with the role of Romey and where they read several issues of the Roma magazine Romano voďi (Roma soul). Mr. Balog from the Romea organization told the students about the history of the Roma in the Czech Republic and about the Roma Holocaust in the Lety - Písek labor camp (Czech Republic). At the end, there was a discussion about the current discrimination against Roma refugees from Ukraine and about the help and courage of Ukrainians of Roma origin in defending their homeland.
The excursion was organized within the Development challenge of beginning teachers of the Comenius Institute (researcher teacher Richterová Daniela, Primary school Grundschule Medzev) in cooperation with the project of the City of Moldava nad Bodvou "The space connects us" (Mgr. Sylvia Strámová).