Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


Reading with comprehension represents a part of literacy needed in everyday life. If a child doesn´t train the reading ability, he/she will perform worse and lag behind the others more and more. A cycle of failures can appear at such a child that is associated with lower performance and avoidance of reading.

Organizing regular reader´ workshops in the Community Center that support the development of reading literacy, we would like to arouse joy of reading at the children so as it becomes a natural part of their life.
In February, we together read the fairytale about the Little Red Riding Hood. Then we worked in groups on the fairytale synopsis. „The world of fairytales“ is much better known by the children, they can immerse in the world of fantasy, miracles and wonders through the fairytales.
Now March – the month of books – is ahead of us and a new readers´ workshop.