Water is the cradle of life on our planet, without it life could not exist. It is of immense importance for humans, we encounter water from birth until the last day of our life.
On Saturday, March 26th, 2022, the city of Moldava nad Bodvou organized an entertainment afternoon in the Sports Complex Pod kopcom under the name "Moldavské hry bez hraníc (Moldava Games without Borders)", aimed at getting to know each other and also making friends with the displaced people from Ukraine.
Fairy tales help in the development and education of children, they contribute to the increased interest in reading, to the development of creativity and communication skills.
On Friday, March 11th, 2022, we went with the 2nd year students from the Szepsi Alapiskola - Primary school with vjm Moldava nad Bodvou to the Puppet Theater in Košice for a puppet play titled Janko Hraško a iné hraškoviny.
As part of the "Priestor nás spája (The space connects us)" project, representatives of organizations dedicated to working with children and young people from socially disadvantaged groups met on March 9th, 2022.
Fasiangy have always been a symbol of joy, cheerfulness and plentitude. It is basically a period of transition from winter to spring. The customs and ceremonies of the carnival period symbolized activities to ensure yield and fertility.
People associate the Fasiangy carnival period mainly with masks that were equipped to walk through the village or town to cheer up the local population. Therefore, on February 26th and 27th, 2022, we also prepared the Fasiangy creative workshops for workers with children and young people in the City Library of Moldava nad Bodvou - Szepsi Városi Könyvtár. Their goal was to follow the carnival customs and traditions of the past, to provide an opportunity for the creation of traditional carnival masks using the traditional lamination technique, and that under the guidance of the artist Mrs. Vierka Nagyová.
The mother tongue is unique in that it gives each person a unique perspective from birth that provides individual perception of things. All steps to promote the spread of the mother tongue serve not only to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, but also to develop a fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions around the world.
On February 8th the opening conference of the project "The space connects us" took place
This project is implemented under the Local Development and Inclusion program and is funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, the state budget of the Slovak Republic and the budget of the city of Moldava nad Bodvou. The total cost of the project is € 725,318, of which the amount of the grant is € 616,520.